12 years of existence and only 2 albums.... Please explain?
This isn't quite right, you should not forget all the other releases wich we done by ourselves. There was the first Four-Track-Demo "No Better World!" in 1992, the Four-Track-Promo-CD "... no better world!!" in 1993, the "Roadrunner Session Tape" and after the "Grasp!!!" Album (1996) the Three-Track-Maxi "Point Of No Return" in 1997. "Point ..." was actually an appetizer for the second album, but the band wasn't able to release it - and broke apart. Factory Of Art was reformed with new Members in 1998 and released the "Story Of Pain"-Promo, wich became a full success (First place in the "Unerhört! 2000"-Competition of Rock Hard Megazine, tons of positive reactions, new Fans and so on)! After that we gone to record a new album, but it was a very difficult situation: Labels wasn't interested, we had to pay the album by ourselves. The studio was bankruptcy after a half of the sessions and we had to start up new. When the album was finished, we went to look for a new deal and now we are here again!

You've also played with bands such as Nevermore, Grave Digger, Iced Earth, Sacred Reich... how and why did you not find a recording deal before?
We HAD a deal before. We realized the "Grasp!!!"-Album and the "Point Of No Return"-Maxi via AFM Records. But afterwards the band wasn't exist any longer. No band - no deal, you know?

Tell us more about the concept behind "The Tempter"?
It is a fictitious Thriller Story with references to the reality. Our main actor is a man who lose all morality by political arbitrariness. Although he actually embodies "the bad", he wins sympathy more and more in the continuing story, because he unknowingly endangers a secret project of the government.

How did you manage to mix lyrical vocal lines with other vocal lines deeper and rather even more aggressive?
That's Metal today! The music becomes more characteristic by this. Factory Of Art is open minded for different styles which fits to our sound. No limits! The different vocals are supporting the lyrical concept. If you sing about Pain, you can only do it with a cry!

Germany is maybe the hardest market but on another hand the easiest where to find a deal? Please explain?
This is a fallacy. The german metal market may be one of the biggest but also it is concentrated on trends. For Bands like us who cannot define exactly to a certain musical style, the situation is difficult. There are many labels in germany but no one is ready for risks. Look, we are signed by an austrian label, who features mainly Black- and Death Metal ... (THAT'S open minded, harhar!)

What are your future plans and expectations now with the release of this new album?
First we hope for positive reactions (the more the better). Further we would like to play live as much as possible. And finally we will try to do the next production in a shorter time ...

Metallian Mag, France